VIL installed 11 Megawatt inhouse Solar Photovoltaic unit, which can supply 30% of the power requirement.
Another 20MW Captive Solar Photovoltaic Unit under installation

VIL saves 40billions Liters of water every year by rain water harvesting.

VIL developedan in-plant green belt around 2,40,000 Square feet with recycled water

VIL Saves 27700 units/month up to 39% on lighting load by ensuring usage of Low wattage LED Lamps

To save the mother Earth for coming generations, VIL is processing recycled fibre )sustainable raw materials) and marching towards lower carbon footprint under the sustainability products segment

VIL generated till now 3,21,85,700units from the captive solar units and reduced carbon emission by approx. 29997072kgs

VIL cleans and utilises 4,00,000/day by STP PLANT

VIL uses recycled paper for the corrugation industry, this can be further recycled.

VIL Initiated several Energy saving measure like installing VFD’s and energy Efficient Motors ,which ensures 10% saving in energy units thereby reduce carbon emissions.